August 18, 2015 05:22:28 AM

A plethora of things may define what a great leader is, and how one becomes such.  Actions taken, for one or decisions made can elevate someone to greatness, but before that happened, there was a lot of thinking and strategizing involved. You will have a group of entrepreneurs/leaders who are great in execution but struggle when it comes to making THE plan. Many Entrepreneurs find thinking and focusing difficult these days as there are many distractions. These distractions not only arise from external sources but can also be internal and managing their attention is vital to this process.  

Here are a few tips we picked up from a Harvard Business Review article by Josh Ehrlich. It’s all about helping one clear the mind and let the creativity and planning become easier.

    • Delegate – As a leader it is good to know the entire process but it does not mean you need to do everything yourself. Learn to trust your team and when to ask for help. This way you will have more time focusing on the more important things and seeing the bigger picture.


    • Simple meditation - In meditation most people are taught to clear your mind which in itself can be difficult at times. Try something different instead such as focusing on one particular thing like your breathing. Sit quietly for a few minutes and just be mindful of how you breathe. If your thoughts begin to go elsewhere, go back to the basic and focus on your breathing.


  • Reflect and Clarify – In all planning and execution it is vital that you understand what you want to happen first. Reflect on what you want and how you want it done. Be clear in what message you want to convey to your team so you can better guide them to the goal you want to achieve. Don’t be afraid to make some changes and adjust if you need to, often reflecting on your strategy would help you make changes for the better.

There are many other techniques that can help you center your attention and let you become a more effective leader. Choose what works for you and stick to it. It may be difficult in the start but remember all great leaders took time to think about their actions and decision before actually executing them.  Once you’ve learned to focus and clear your mind from what would be distractions, you will be on your way to success not only in your career but also in your personal life.

Click here to read the complete article 

More on distractionstime management andbecoming a leader 

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