August 18, 2015 05:41:19 AM

Very recently we have shared with you how having an effective staff or team can assure you of a smoothly running business. They not only help you handle day to day activities in the office but they are also the same people that you count on during “crisis” much like our blog on BCP (Business Continuity Plan).  Keeping your talented pool together and working cohesively is a continuous process entrepreneurs need to take, once in awhile though, we have to handle resignations.

One great thing anyone can do for their careers or businesses would be to not burn bridges. Give your employer/ employee the same courtesy you would expect for yourself.  As an employee, the basics include giving your 30 day notice (or whatever is required by your company) and accomplishing the necessary turn- over of duties and responsibilities. As an employer, you conduct an exit interview .

An exit interview is a meeting with a terminating employee that is generally conducted by Human Resources staff. The exit interview provides your organization with the opportunity to obtain frank, honest feedback from the employee who is leaving your employment. Understanding that not all businesses would have a dedicated Human Resource staff, conducting this yourself as business owner can and will be a plus. Feedback will be given and received directly, which allows immediate clarification. What questions should you ask then?

Exit interview is your perfect venue to wish your soon to be “ex-employee” luck in their new venture, you give them valuable feedback that will increase their opportunity for success. To be able to do that you need to ask details on their move and the likes.  You also take this chance to get information to make your business/company better, so asking questions that are focused towards getting honest feedback on things they may have in mind to make things better is a must. To be more effective, before your scheduled one on one, jot down questions that you would like to ask.

Resignations are office goodbyes that also mark new beginnings. In most cases, when a staff leaves, we start training a new one as well.  Exit interviews are very much the same, when usedeffectively and set-up in a systematic way. You can say goodbye to things that are not helpful for you or your business, based on the feedback you gather, you can start implementing new ways to drive your business to success.
Good luck and may we all build more bridges and not burn them.
Click here to view sample interview questions.
 Photo source: Image by Shawn Beelman


